Philosophy of Religion
THE LIFE OF THE MIND: On the Joys and Travails of ThinkingPaperbound$4.95 $21.99
VOLTAIRE'S REVOLUTIONPaperbound$4.95 $21.00
GOD IS NOT GREAT: How Religion Poisons EverythingPaperbound$4.95 $9.99
RADICAL SACRIFICEPaperbound$9.95 $15.00
THE METAPHYSICAL WORLD OF ISAAC NEWTON: Alchemy, Prophecy, and the Search for Lost KnowledgeHardbound$27.95 $35.00
AGAINST THE ACADEMICS, VOLUME 1: St. Augustine's Cassiciacum DialoguesHardbound$17.95 $60.00
THE DEVILS' GOSPELS: Finding God in Four Great Atheist BooksPaperbound$9.95 $13.95